Posted by: benfrasier | August 16, 2006

A year ago…

Man, its crazy how my life has changed in the past year.  At this point last year I was driving back to Lexington getting ready to start my 6th year of school.  I remember feeling a great sense of burnout and frustration from my extended undergraduate career.  I was not excited about starting another year of classes.  I was also unsure if Kim and I would keep dating after I moved back to Lexington.  She was still looking for jobs in Nashville, and I was obviously committed to being at UK for the next two years.

Since that time I’ve finished another year of school, proposed to Kim, planned a wedding, got married, been to Vegas, and started my life with Kim.  Now I’m actually excited about starting my final semester of classes (only 13 hours! woo hoo!), and I’m not wondering if Kim and I will still be together in a month!  I think its fun to compare my frame of mind from a year ago to the present.

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